
About me

My name is Jasper van der Kroon. I’m the founder of The Prince of Games and the creator of Regulus High Fantasy-Sports. I work and live in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Favorite games: Twilight Imperium, Kahuna

Favorite books: Dune, One hundreds years of solitude

My favorite games always favor strategy over luck and I have a sweet spot for anything fantasy or medieval related.

I once read the tip: ‘Make the game you want to play’. I think it’s a great tip because you will be playing your own game a lot! and then even more and after that a lot more. Thankfully Regulus is exactly the kind of game I like to play. It has loads of strategy, can be customized to try out new builds and looks really cool.

The Reason I made Regulus High-Fantasy Arena-Sports is to build a tactical board game skirmisher with a community driven aspect. Similar to trading card games events with weekly playing nights and release events. The big difference being that the only meta is your brain and not the cards you can afford.


If you want to learn more about the Development of Regulus and potential new games you can read my development blog here.
